Toronto 2020

The UofA chapter of Theta Beta Omega Gamma arrived in Toronto to initiate their new bids at GNCTR 2020. On competitor interaction day, the brothers and sisters of TBOG explored downtown Toronto on a scavenger hunt, and enjoyed a live show of jousting and sword-fighting at Medieval Times. During the technical exhibition day, the UofA showed off their frat house and welcomed new pledges. The hill at race day was steep, and while there were many crashes from other teams, the UofA’s toboggan made it down the hill safely and successfully clocking in at 62 km/hr with effective braking. At closing ceremonies, the UofA came in 8th place overall with 3rd place finishes in Technical Display and Technical Communications. GNCTR 2020 was a blast and can’t wait to see all of our best friends again in Calgary for GNCTR 2021!